
How to update API Key

  1. Login to http://www.preadmit.com.au/Hospital/<your hospital’s unique ID>
  2. Click on Settings > Security > API Key
  3. You will then see a Pop-Up with your current key, you will need to click Re-Generate
  4. Copy the New API Key
  5. Login to SimDay
  6. Click on Maintenance > System Param > Holding Bay Setup > Edit Preadmit
  7. Paste the new generated API Key then click Save
  8. Confirm that the new key is working by re-exporting a form.
    1. Go into the Preadmit hospital portal of the client
    2. Go to the Forms tab
    3. Click on any Exported form and selected the Actions drop down
    4. Select Reset Export Status
    5. Go into SimDay, Data Extraction > Preadmit